Episode 18

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Digital turf wars: who should lead your digital transformation?

We meet Danny Attias, Chief Digital & Information Officer at Anthony Nolan and No 1 CIO in the UK

We’ve all seen the meme about COVID-19 leading your digital transformation. But who should really lead it- should it be your digital, IT, or finance lead, or even your CEO?

There couldn’t be a better person to answer this question than Danny Attias, Chief Digital & Information Officer at Anthony Nolan and No 1 CIO in the UK. Danny tells us who should- and shouldn’t- lead the charge on digital disruption. We also chat through how to create a fail fast culture, Danny’s top tips on how to build a diverse tech team, and why trust is the secret ingredient of organisational change.

Zoe and Paul round up the latest tech news, including The Charity Digital Skills Report survey launch, why you shouldn’t troll your staff with the promise of a bonus (thanks West Midlands Trains), Twitter’s touted premium service and new research into the emotional nuance of emojis.

(Apologies for the audio issues in the intro and outro - the joys of recording over Zoom!)

Notes and links -

The 2021 Charity Digital Skills Report https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/charitydigital2021 

West Midland’s phishing email https://www.cnbc.com/2021/05/11/west-midlands-trains-sends-staff-phishing-email-promising-bonus.html 

Twitter plots premium service https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2021/may/17/twitter-mulling-paid-service-called-twitter-blue-finds-researcher

The Alan Turing Institute research into emojis https://www.turing.ac.uk/blog/emoji-are-even-more-language-previously-thought

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Email us with your questions and ideas for future episodes startsatthetop@gmail.com

And please leave us a review if you enjoy what you hear!

Editing and production from Beth Donkin and Paul Thomas

Music by Joseph McDade https://josephmcdade.com/music


Episode 19


Episode 17